Military Order of the Devil Dogs

Final Roll Call

You will be remebered

One of the worst things about losing our loved ones, is the absence we feel without them. And with a family as large as ours, the amount of loss can be devastating and have a great impact on us. 

However, also with a family as large as ours, it is often the case that our siblings are known by many, and in that regard the memories of those that have gone before, will be with us for a long time to come.

We wish them peace, until we meet again.

DECEASED Mid-Winter to Supreme Growl 2024

PupThomas M Durgin14-390178OK
PDDRaymond J Theis00-42065AZ
PDDCharles E Malone02-210184AL
DDDanial Arnado04-16465AZ
DDJohn V Losito13-26877MO
DDTC Shane Jr17-010294IN
PDDWilliam G Gaudin07-032299FL
PupMichael T Galloway21-108387FL
PDDAdrian Lavoie94-225131CT
PDDDonald L Miller03-353109PA
DDWalter J Sral20-003210NC
PDDJames Hales98-256275PA
PDDNorman A Sandborn99-298185WA
PDDDorsey C Funderburk09-293327NC
PupBrent Kast19-136325CA
PupHerbert Whitfield18-301301AL
PDDWalter Scott00-251206GA
PDDWilliam T Knox15-094333MD
PDDLawrence Robert Jones16-290340SC
PDDConrad T Heslin97-412260IN
PDDCurtis D Winter06-367215 / 343WV
PDDPaul R O'Neill90-023188PA
PDDJeffery Brooks410AL
PDDMatthew James Jordan86-076326NJ
PDDTony B Booth11-419356OK
PDDDonald R Westlake12-133335NC
DDMary Anderson21-321143NC
PDDTomas Santos75-182391MI
DDJohn Welsh00-463249VT
PDDJames Earle95-486240CA
PDDJames Q Ferris95-214240CA
PDDBill Paxton95-218240CA
PDDHerbert Brune15-22386MO
PupNorman E York Jr19-024249VT
Carlos Quijano13-02187TX
PDDThomas J Reimensnyder95-171109PA