Let’s Make This Massive!

Advancement applications are now closed for the 81st Supreme Growl. All Applications should have been in hands by 1 July. Please check the list at the bottom of the page to see if your application has been processed

The pending ByLaw Changes are still listed below and will remain here until the next Supreme Growl. If there are additions they will be added.

Check back for the Springfield information as it gets added.

2020 Daytona Beach Wipeout Coin

The 81st Supreme Growl did not happen, however, we will get a redo. We immortalized 2020 with a new coin. A picture of coin is below. Artwork by HCDD Jack Severn. You can still get this coin by contacting the Quartermaster Directly until the item is placed in the Quartermaster Store.

2020-2021 Proposed Changes

Below are all the proposed Bylaw changes for 2020-2021. These are all now in one document that can be downloaded below. These will remain posted until the Next Supreme Growl.

Applications Processed By Kennel Dog Robber